Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > to many ties?

to many ties?

18 11:58:33

I have a 3 year old chihuahua who has mated with my stud. She has been presenting herself to him for almost a week now. If I left them alone they would tie at least 8 times a day. I have them both diapered as the first day she was receptive to him they tied 4 times. I kept them apart the next day then let them run the house together the day after. They tied at least 5 times. I skipped a day then let them go again and I stopped them at 3 ties. It has been a week and she's still letting him mate with her. This female is new to me as I bought her from another breeder. Can this be normal for some females? I'm reluctant to let them tie any more as I'm afraid infection or something as it just seems excessive. I cant find any info about this any where so I really hope you have some wisdom for me. Thanks

Hi Sarah

Some females will present themselves to a male for their entire season.  Others only on the days they are ready.

What day in her heat is she?  A tie once every other day is more than enough.  However, if she's not ovulating yet, she may not take.  It can't hurt to bring them together once a day until she quits standing.

Good luck