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false pregnancy/or losing litter

18 13:43:37

I was told my dog was day 28.Day 57 i noticed    some discharge just dried on her.I took her for a x-ray they said there were no pups they must have got it wrong the first time.Day 60 lots of clear discharge also some creamy sorta greenish color.Took her in again they said its an infection and gave her antibiotics.Day 62 she got her milk in and yes no pups.Was this a miscarriage she would not have milk with just an infection would she? Sorry so long!!

Hi Gwyn

Did you do x-ray's or ultrasound?  X-rays aren't accurate until after calcification of bones occur at around day 50.  

False pregnancy is very common in dogs. With the false pregnancy they go through all the hormonal changes right up to producing milk.  

It's always advisable that before you consider breeding, that you give both the sire and dam a weeks worth of amoxicilian to clear up any minor infection that could cause complications.