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Female dog just whelped

18 11:55:40

My miniature dachshund just had her first litter of puppies 4 days ago. She had 7 total. She is very very irritable  and attacking the other dogs in the house. I'm not sure what I should do.

Hi Nicole, Sorry that Momma lost 3 of the pups.  You need to find very quiet place for her and the pups.  She needs to be away from the other pets in your household.

Another Expert says this about Whelping boxes or dens:

Your bitch really needs to be in a quiet, den-like setting, and not be moved around twice a day. When I do use a whelping box, I have an exercise pen around it and then I drape a sheet around it for privacy. I also have a heat lamp on the puppies when I use the whelping box.
My puppies are always in the kitchen as that makes for the best early socialization here. Make sure you handle those babies every day!

If this is a big concern, you may want to take her to the Vet.  Just to make sure she is not in any pain or discomfort.

Best wishes..

Marie Peppers
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