Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > C-SECTION


18 11:56:30

Hi there i own 2 british bulldog bitches, i would like to know what happens during the process of a c-section when the bitch is pregnant. I would like to know what happens before,during,and after the c-section. Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

Hi Mel

First talk to your vet?  Are you certain that your females have to have the sections?  There are free-whelpers in the Bulldog world.  It should also be noted that there are only a number of sections a female can safely have.   

Your vet will bring the females in between day 60 to 62.  It's best to have it planned as emergency c-sections can be expensive and deadly.

A I.V. should be inserted into your female.  And the female should be brought down lightly.  Some vets take the Bulldog "down" to fast and the results usually end in death.

She is placed on her back on a table.  A vet tech will watch the vitals and the vet will cut open down her stomach.  First one, then the other horn is lifted and removed.  The pups are taken out one at a time and vigorously encouraged to breath.  When all the pups are removed, everything gets put back in and the female is stitched back up.

The problem with the drug used to put the female to sleep is that it can make the pups slower to response.  

Some females may reject their pups and the milk may dry up.  All things to consider when breeding.

Good luck