Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Mounting


18 13:48:41

This is a follow up questions to the male Bullmastiff I won that i am trying to breed with a first time Bullmastiff female.  OK so I went to the vet and she is not ovualting yet.  He thinks that even though it is now day 12-13 of her heat that she is might just need 2 more days before we swab her again or the male does his job.  He also says that he is still concerned that the male won't mount her.  I've left them alone and shut the door so i can secretly watch them and he still smells her and licks her like crazy and then just plays with her instead.  What else can I do to get him interested or is it just because she is not ovulating that he is not interested.  His first breeding was successful so I'm just wondering why this one is going so differently.  Thanks!

Hi Andrea --

An experienced male won't waste his time and energy on a female that is not ready.  Sure he may give her a lick or two but you have to remember its procreation not recreation with dogs.   I have a male that can be in a breeding pen with a female and she will be going nuts and he won't even look at her until the time comes.  On the other hand I have a male that will try and breed for a month straight.  So it really depends on the male.

Your male could have a good sniffer and know it will come to nothing until her eggs are released.

You can also try getting him excited by bringing another male around and/or "manually" excite him by playing rough or playing ball.