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Mating Bullmastiffs

18 11:56:19

Hi, my female bullmastiff is currently in heat, she has been bleeding for 14 days now and yesterday we brought the male in to do his job. They both seem willing to mate, the main problem is that he is very big and solid and she has trouble holding him up while he is mounting. Is there any way I can help stabilize her during penetration? I'm getting worried that we might not have puppies as he isn't joining with her and we only have a couple of days left of her being fertile (at most). Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks

Hi Eva

With the big boys sometimes a intervention is required.

Sit on a low chair with the female straddled across your lap.  You want to be able to lower and raise her with your knees and give her extra support.  

Bring the male over to the business end and let him mount her.  You will need someone to help hold the female so she doesn't dance away.

Once the tie happens, you can help lift his leg over the females back and they can stand until the mating is complete without further assistance.

The alternative is to do A.I. which is easy enough to do and doesn't require any special skills.

Good luck