Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > 9 month old dobermann bitch

9 month old dobermann bitch

18 13:34:09

hi my 9 month old dobermann bitch is in heat and its driving our male insane, i am trying to prevent them from getting pregnant as she is way to young, but as i am only human i can only do so much. what im trying to find out is the complications of a pregnancy in a dog that age and also i have seen spays in the shops to stop the dog from beeing interessted in the female, do these sprays work?
thanks for your time
kind regards
brit :)

Hi Brit. 9 months old for a Dobie is way too young to get pregnant right now. I'd suggest taking the boy to a relative or friend's house until she gets out of heat.  Then, you won't have to worry about it. I don't know about the sprays, I've never tried them myself. If doesn't hurt to try it, but I'd just let him stay with someone else that you can trust until she's out. As for the complications for a pregnancy at that age, there are many. You may have to end up doing a section because her body isn't able to whelp naturally. She may not produce milk, making you feed all of the puppies. She may not have any interest in them because of her age, also making you take care of them. Pups have to be fed every 2-3 hours 24/7, so you'll have to take off work or find someone responsable to care for them while you're gone. Seriously though, her body may simply not be able to whelp. Or, she may start to whelp naturally but then have to have a section because her labor stops, ect. A 9 month old dog is akin to a 12 year old human having a baby. They're just not ready. Do what ever you have to to make sure that girl doesn't get pregnant right now. Then, after she turns two and presents you with a healthy litter, it'll all be worth the wait.:-)