Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > should i give my female 1 more chance

should i give my female 1 more chance

18 13:44:09

QUESTION: do you think it would be a good idea to give her one more chance since last time she wasnt even 2 years old yet.

Cause i asked a question b4 about my beagle killing her babies.

ANSWER: Hi Victor. I don't really know what to tell you here. If it was me, then no, I wouldn't bother even breeding this dog. You will either loose the pups again, or have to raise them yourself, and that's a really, really, hard job to do. It's up to you, if you want to take that chance. Good luck!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The problem is not that she refuses to feed them the problem is that she kills them many people said to leave her while she is giving birth so we left her and other people said that they are rather sick or she kills them thinking they would go back in her stomach others say she is young to be a mum so she needs to devolp physically and mently which happens at the age of 2 years old.I asked a breeder she said you have to be with her( opposite of what the vet said to do) and she said that your supposed to help her get the baby out since she has a small body and the babies were large.

Honestly, if she was so young, then that may have been her problem. I always advise that the person be with the dog when she starts to whelp. That way, you can be there if she runs into trouble. I don't know. It's really your decision. If you want to wait until she gets older, and try again, that's up to you. I would definitely keep a good eye on her though. If she does it again, then I definitely wouldn't try again with her. Good luck, and happy holidays!