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Peke breeding

18 13:31:24

i have a couple things. how old should a peke be before starting to breed? what is a safe period of time between litters? if i have a male that is ready and a female that is still too young do i need to worry about keeping them seperated?

Hi. I personally like to wait until the dog is atleast two years old before breeding. That said, I do understand that some breeders will breed the smaller breeds a bit younger. I'd wait until her heat cycle closest to two years of age before breeding. Dogs need to finish growing themselves before taking on the task of having puppies. If you are only going to breed her twice, and she whelps the first litter like a champ and the pups are healthy, then you could possibly do back to back litters. However, it's safest to wait at least one heat cycle between pups. And yes, keep them seperated until she is ready to be bred. Good luck!