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Diabetes, Cataracts and Glaucoma



My Baby
I have a 11 and 1/2 year old Maltese x Jack Russell. She was diagnosed with diabetes around October 2008. Shortly after this she developed cataracts due to the diabetes. This past weekend we took her to the vet as her right eye was bloodshot and weeping. The vet ran tests and has told us it is glaucoma. He has advised there is no treatment except removal of the eye and said her left eye will develop the glaucoma in the next 5 months.
I would never be so cruel as to remove her eye. She is a beautiful little girl and this is killing me.
The vet has advised that she is in alot of pain and suffering greatly and will only get worse.
She stills seems ok to me, happy and eating her meals etc but going by the vet my only option is to put her down. I dont feel like i am capable of deciding when to "pull the plug" on her life as it is tearing me apart.
Is there some natural treatment that will help? please.

_____________ Follow up _______________
Please let me know if you use any of my suggestions for your little Maltese mix kid...???

I am here to help!
Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse

Theresa, so sorry to hear about this diagnosis... There is always hope and supplements to try.  If the eye pressure is very great and the pain can not be controlled, then the eye will need to be removed.
I have cared for many dogs with one eye or even blind dogs .... You would be amazed at how well they adapt so quickly!

Here are a few things we can try for your gal.  If the vet did not offer you some pain meds ask about (1) 81 mg baby aspirin per day...
Next - give 250 mg of C - Ester C ( hide in some cheese?)
also, - 50 IU of Vitamin E - ( 1-2 per day ) This is a CAT dosage - very small and safe.

Last, please call the NuVET folks and get her onto the NuVET Plus Immune System booster and healer - My clients have had great results with the NuVET wafers or powder supplements.  This is Holistic and you can not get it at the pet store...Sold thru Holistic vets and the manufacturer in California.
Call 1-800-474-7044  ( tell them Pet Nurse Marie sent you and use order code 81098/ For fast shipping call In )/  code 81098
*here is the web site :read some of the Testimonials...
I also get testimonials to my e-mail from my clients!
Take 1 1/2 per day for 30 days and then go down to 1 per day - make sure you tell the gal on the phone I want you to start out with
x-tra....  This is safe and natural so you can't overdose on it.
MOST dogs only take 1 wafer per day.

As far as the other eye developing glaucoma, it is possible but with good vitamins and nutrients - we can delay that!

Keep me posted
Marie Peppers LPN MA
ASK the Pet Nurse