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Boston Terrier / Recipe - HOME made dog food from Pet Nurse Marie



My little BT
I have a 2 year old Boston terrier named Ocelomeh. Every since he was little we have had a hard time feeding him. I was wondering if it was alright to just feed him can food. See, I have tried alot of different brands of hard dog food. I thought that maybe he needs hard dog food as well to get all his nutrients. Well, we have tried feeding him : pro plan dry and  wet can food (proplan select), Eukanuba for Boston terriers, Purina dog chow, Purina natural blend (oatmeal and chicken) but he doesn't eat them for long.I tried mixing his dry food with can food, but he just spits the kibble out! He rather starve then eat dry foods. He used to be 20.5 lbs but know he is 17 lbs. Now, he is eating only might dog select, but I have to make sure it's not the one with too much gravy because he throw up. I hate to see him get so skinnie what should I do??

Hello Gracie and your Picky Boston kid!!!  I would love to help you two... How about making a little dog food?????  I have a few recipes you can try.  See if your little Ocelomeh likes some home- cooking.
Also, I suggest your boy go onto the NuVET supplement program.  IT may help to build his appetite and digestive system.
They have has some great results with pets and poor appetites.

Here is the recipe and the NuVET INFO

Recipe for a 15 pound dog

Start with:

Small amount of vegetable oil in your pan

Cooked, skinless chicken 1/2 cup

Cooked Brown rice 1/4 cup

Cooked Peas 1/4

Cooked pumpkin  1-2 tablespoons

( HE many like a little canned pumpkin )
Pinch of salt

Add a NuVET Vitamin  ( you can get the Powder )- to finished off the food / Need vitamins when you cook your own dog food.
Vitamins / Supplements are great to have for any dog at any age.
Here is the NuVET info:
39.00 for a 60 count bottle
ask for the 15% off
1-800-474-7044  ( give order code 81098...... thanks)


Dog Dog Food Recipe by Michele, provided to her by her vet.

Ground chicken
Ground beef
4% small curd cottage cheese
2 cups quaker oats soaked in low sodium chicken broth
string beans
2 tablespoons salmon or fish oil (health food store or break open capsules from grocery store)
2 eggs
2 boiled yams or sweet potatoes -this is great protein and helps keep everything moist.

Mix together and make into meatballs the size of your dogs portion. Bake them at 350 until they are completely done.
Freeze into bags and warm up in microwave until warm and serve. They should love it and it is all digested so there is very little waste and smell.
 I hope this recipe helps.
AGAIN, give 1 NuVET wafer per day .... thanks

Dog Food Recipe by Michele, provided to her by her vet.

Ground chicken
Ground beef
4% small curd cottage cheese
2 cups quaker oats soaked in low sodium chicken broth
string beans
2 tablespoons salmon or fish oil (health food store or break open capsules from grocery store)
2 eggs
2 boiled yams or sweet potatoes -this is great protein and helps keep everything moist.

Mix together and make into meatballs the size of your dogs portion. Bake them at 350 until they are completely done. Freeze into bags and warm up in microwave until warm and serve. They should love it and it is all digested so there is very little waste and smell. I am so sorry for all of the pet owners who have lost pets in this mess, I hope this recipe helps.
