Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Ear infection pug ; pug ear infection ear cleaning recipes;

Ear infection pug ; pug ear infection ear cleaning recipes;


The vet prescribed a vetalog injection, glen have f1/oOtic 4oz.and an ear cleaning(<4). which all together are very exspensive. I would like to know if there is an alternative method that would be just as effective perhaps over the counter.
Please advise.
Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Pug ear infections ; ear cleaner recipe;
Ear Recipes -canine ear infections  - pug ear infections ****;
Pugs and Pugs ;  Yeast Ears help is here;
Grain free foods can be helpful, too.

Let me know if you like the ear cleaner recipe provided below?
I hope this helps..


Hi - for ear infections or the prevention of ear infections -
I do refer to this cleaner recipe and supplement
See this post:
bulldog with chronic ear:

I hope this helps!

Marie Peppers