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valley fever; dog gone pain; pancreatitis;


Hi Marie! My 11 YO sheltie/pom has had valley fever for 8 years. (On and off meds (flucoz) over the course.) (I also have it, but that's another story :^)) Six months ago she suffered an accute pancreatic attack, and luckily, managed to pull through (with a $2500 vet bill).  She also has a heart murmur awa liver and kidney damage.  (I've given up on western vets (for the most part) and have done all of the following based on my own research.)  I changed her diet (all human grade/low-fat...lots of home-cooked chicken/turkey/beef, a few veges (she's picky) and some grains (quinoa/brown rice/oats) with a bit of Innova dry food thrown in.  She's on 5 different Azmira herbal tinctures awa pro-biotics, Omega oil, enzymes, SamE and Proin (she leaks without it :^)) and a product called 'dog gone pain'.  I took her off the anti-fungals completely and use the Azmira Valley Fever 3-pack.  She has some REALLY good days, alot of 'in-between', and some bad (which is to be expected). My question...overall, is there anything else I can do (without breaking the bank any more than it is :^)) I really think the Valley Fever tinctures are doing a world of good and thought you might want to add them to your research (if you're not already familiar). Do you have an immediate-relief suggestion for stomach upset awa an immediate-relief anti-diahrreal? (Preferably something liquid or that could be dissolved as I use a syringe to get most everything down!)  I read that a bit of pepto is ok, and see that you suggest tums.  Can you tell me what dose? A quarter of human dose? I appreciate your input immensely, Marie!! Thank you!

Hi Kimi, Well, I know you love your dog and want the best for her.  Seems like you may be doing a little too much for her belly.  I wonder if she is having stomach issues and loose stool because of all that you are giving each day.

One example of a problem can be the Turmeric ingredient in the " Dog Gone Pain" product.
Turmeric is very HARD on the belly.
Turmeric is great for pain and arthritis but hard on the stomach and digestion.

So, I would back up and take a look at each item you are giving her.
You may just want to cut down on a few of them.
Sometimes we tend to do a little too much.

HOPE this helps.....
Blessings for the New Year!

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse