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Tex / Lump



One question, do you think its normal for Tex not to have much of an appetite today since his ordeal yesterday?  I made him some chicken and rice because he didn't eat all day, but he only ate half and is not interested in the rest.

ANSWER: Hello my Tex and Brenda -
Yes, he may have a decreased appetite because he is on antibiotics right?
Went through much yesterday....
Call the vet in 24 hrs if he is not eating... Make sure the boy drinks.
YOU can add an ice cube to his water dish or he may just eat a few ice cubes?

Keep him hydrated

BEST of Luck

Marie Peppers LPN MA

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: No antibiotics, just anti-inflammatories. He ate half and took his pill. He is drinking some. How about some gatorade or better yet - pedialyte to drink?

Hi - than anit-inflam will upset his belly.  Yes, some flavored pedilyte would be wonderful...get the bubble gum or grape.
Gatorade is ok, too.
I would give him some canned pumpkin...Will he eat it...It is yum yum and has some good calories.
NO sugar added canned pumpkin.

I bet he will feel better tomorrow.

I will be thinking of you.
Write me tomorrow...with an up-date on our TEX.
