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torn ACL in pitbul ; acl alternatives ;


My daughter's one year old pit bull tore his ACL in the hind left leg.  I recently took him to a vet and they insisted surgery was our only option considering his age.  My concern is he also has IBS and I was wondering if there was a connection nutritionally between the two?  Is there an alternative treatment?  I thought I heard about a new treatment similar to stem cell where the knee is injected and the torn ACL repairs itself without invasive and terribly expensive surgery.  Can you help?

***Alternative to ACL Surgery in Canines:  Pitbull ACL injury: NuJoint for ACL;
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Marie Peppers

Donna, I don't think IBS has anything to do with a torn ACL.
Here are some alternatives to surgery you can try.  Yes, they want to cut right away ----
YOU can rest the area and supplement:

SEE here for more help on ACL alternatives to surgery:

After you look at the above link, let me know if I can help more.

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse