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A cure for cat acne?


My little cat has been diagnosed with having "cat acne" on her chin and changing her feeding bowl (as my vet advised) from plastic to ceramic has helped, but there are still a few persistent black clogged pores. They are not infected or swollen. Is there some natural remedy I can use to clean her chin? I have other cats as well and they all like to lick each other so I'm worried about them ingesting remnants of whatever I use so it has to be safe for them all. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you! :o)

Hello Vicki -

The easiest natural remedy to help cleanse her chin area is Witch Hazel. This is wonderful for humans and animals as it has great antiseptic properties and is safe for use.

Wash her chin area 3-4 times per day and wash her bowl at  least 2 (two) times per day.

I sell a skin wash for cats and dogs who have overproductive sebaceous glands. I use it on my cat behind her ears, her coat gets very greasy and this helps control the skin and does not dry it out.  It has worked very well for a few of my clients. I will leave my contact information at the bottom of this response, if you would like more information, drop me an email.

I will warn you there are a few "natural" feline products on the market for feline acne, however, most of them contain Tea Tree Oil. Although this antiseptic does wonders for humans, dogs and other animals, its is not recommended for feline healing. It has been proven toxic in cats and in some extreme cases has caused death. Be careful too, if you use Tea Tree Oil in your home; if your cat licks it off of your skin it may be fatal in large doses. You may use the product just don't it touch their tongue.

I hope this information has helped you and your pet.

If you would like information on natural and herbal remedies for human and animal concerns please contact me at and I will be happy to assist you and send you my catalog of home made herbal remedies.

Thank you and best wishes to you and your pet.

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist