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Allergies Boston Terrier NuVet Plus supplements;



I have been giving Neko, my Boston Terrier, a wafer and a half of NuVet and Acidophilus on your suggestion.  The Acidophilus I've been giving him since January or February and the NuVet since April.  I also give him Prednisone when needed.  I have to say he hasn't been taking the Pred as often since being on the NuVet but the last couple of weeks I've given him the Pred almost everyday for his allergies.  Anything I can add that would help?



Neko is on the NuVET p
Boston Terrier Allergies;  Probiotics and NuVET can help;
Any updates??? e-mail me at :
I HOPE little Neko is better?

NuVet Plus for Boston Terrier:
Tammy - give me an update in 3-4 weeks... Let me know if my ideas help... ??
Thanks, Marie of ASK the Pet Nurse

Hi Tammy,  Poor little Neko... Is there anything new?  
Can you figure why he is having more trouble the last few weeks?  If you have had more rain, then you have more Mold.
You can give 1-2 mg of Benadryl per pound ...
Example  15 pound dog can have 15 to 30 mg of Benadryl every 8-10 hrs for excessive itching and scratching.

Also, If he has hot spots or very itchy areas, the NuVET Tea Tree oil is very helpful...
Call the NuVET folks and ask them to send you the Tea tree hot spot spray --- OH, I love the smell, too.
VERY soothing.

I am thinking something in your Environment has changed in the past 2-3 weeks and it's setting off Neko's allergies>>>>>
You may want to give him 2 NuVet Wafers per day for a few weeks.

Here is NuVET's Number  ( I am sure you have it )
1-800-474-7044   ( Tell them you are one of Marie Peppers clients)
order code 81098

Sorry - It may just be a bad time of the Season for your Boston's allergies to the ??? outdoors.
Wipe the paws, a few times per day, with unscented baby wipes.
HELPs to get the excessive mold and other particles off the paw pads.

BEST wishes!!!

Marie Peppers LPN MA