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please help-wet tail


i am 13 years old and i have a hamster named Cattie-Brie. she is fairly young and she got wet tail. i read your article and you say that she (the hamster in question) will probably die but i really love my hamster. is there any way we can save her that is not that exspensive (i am only 13 after all)it would mean so much if you would answer asap. we already tried dri-tail by the way and it doesn't work so far.
-lyndsey Burke

Lyndsey, Please ask your parents if they can bring her to the vet.  They can call around and ask if the vet cares for exotic pets.  I am sure you can find a vet to help.
A visit is about 40.00 to 50.00

Sorry, you need to see a vet.
Good luck to you...