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beagle, sick with multiple symptoms


ello, i have a dog, Bandit who is a pure bread beagle. We got him a couple years ago. We got him after he reached full growth and we dont know his age, or his origins. He is a beloved family pet and because he was a pure bread, we thought he would have multiple health problems. he had a surgery to remove about 11 teeth a couple months ago and now he has new symptoms. Last weeek we were sad to hear that he was once again not at his best. for a couple months , we noticed that there was "bllod" coming out of his " anal regions". we took him to the vet and got medication. the problem didnt go away and now he also has a infected eye and has an inflamed prostate. He is truly beloved and the vet told us there was nothing to do. We would like to know if there was anyhting that we could do to help him ,
sincerely CAitlin

Hi Caitlin,
I am sorry to hear Badit is not well.  Did the vet diagnose anything?  Why did he have 11 teeth out?  What about the anal blood?  Sometimes dogs can bleed from their bottom because their anal glands are infected.  It certainly sounds like Badit has been through the ringer.  I would take him to another vet to get some type of diagnosis.  If you have any alternative vets nearby then try there for a more natural approach.  It certainly sounds like he needs a good immune boost.  Martime Pine Bark extract is a powerful antioxidant and will work to boost his immunity.  Herbal Compound Tablets will also add an additional boost and help to rid the body of parasites and infections.  Colloidal Silver (used for short periods of time) is a great antibacterial and antibiotic product, and Olive Leaf liquid is also antibacterial, antiviral and antibiotic.  All of these products can be added to his daily meals.  Taking him off processed food is a must - a natural and raw diet is certainly the best option to keep him healthy.  Make sure to give him a wide variety of foods and you may want to add a supplement or some Vital Greens.
You may want to source out a herbalist or naturopath in your area who is happy to prescribe some immune boosting remedies for Bandit.  The above mentioned items are all readily available in health food stores and also on the internet.
I hope this provides some useful information and do keep in touch if there is anything else I can help with.
Take care,