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we had 2 chis that were healthy, growing well and between 5 & 6 weeks old.  they werefine one day and in less than 24 hours both pups were dead and had blue bellies.  the mother was fine and had nothing wrong with her.  they were kept in a temperature controlled box that nothing could get in and the pups could not get out. the lady we were getting them from has never had any other problems with any of her dogs, and this is this dogs 2nd litter.  we all have no explanation and her vet is stumped as to what has happened.  we were hoping that you may have heard something that might shed some light on to what has happened to our pups.  thank you for your time.

Hello Amanda -

I am a little stumped here too.

Blue bellies sounds like a sign of oxygen loss or suffocation. Is there any way possible that may they were smothered. You have temperature control so I am hesitant to say they were cold, you would have noticed shivering and they would have not been eating.

The only thing I could say is some type of suffocation or expose to a foreign ailment that could have caused improper lung function. I am sorry I cannot help you further, got me stumped as well.

I do not know much on Chi illness', you could try maybe looking on some websites dedicated to Chi's for further information. I have never heard of anything like this either, especially in a temperature controlled box. Strange things could happen, maybe it was in the breeding. Eventhough dogs have a good litter, sometimes it takes a few tries before true genetics show through.

I hope maybe I have helped a little bit with giving another question for their passing. I am sorry for your loss and wish you all the best on breeding the female again.

If you would like information on natural and herbal remedies for human and animal concerns please contact me at and I will be happy to assist you. I also offer a catalog of specially formulated herbal remedies which I can send to you as well.

Thank you and peaceful blessings to you and your pet.

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist