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Cat clipper burn/licking raw treatment


Hello, I just trimmed my 4 yr old white persian with clippers bc I noticed she was scratching herself due to fleas. I used diamatecous earth on her fur before and carpets bc I don't like using chemicals such as advantage.After the trim and bath she was normal, actually happier and relieved. Then she started licking herself non stop and the next day she had licked herself raw just below her neck before abdomen, and upper legs. Now it is crusty and I can see it looks moist, with little pus. I put her on an elizabethan collar yesterday, and she is hating it. Today I put some neosporin (white one with pain relief). What else can I do so she heals fast, any advice on natural treatments?

wipe her body with some oilatum wash and allow to dry naturally. then take some aqueous cream and add two drops lavender oil mix thoroughly and apply gently over the skin gently massaging into raw areas. Do this daily for many days until she is better. Use garlic only a little in her diet and this will stave off fleas also use some catnip to relieve stress on her body at this time/