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HELP,,My shit-tzu has a skin problem


and it is getting worse,,He is seriously biting licking scratching adn now there hard little bumps and scales ,,He even has open wounds and sores,,I fell horrible about this and i know he is in terrible distress,,I bathe and have him groomed and they use oatmeal shampoo,,Another problem is his obsessiveness with the seashells in the driveway ,,He is eating them every second he's outside,,and even started getting aggressive with me when i try and take them away from him,,Why is he eating them like potatoe chips ,,This is starting to worry me dearly ,,PLEASE HELP!!!

Gina, I can help with some supplements...I am wondering if you need to see a vet first.  Get a good check up and some blood work done on this little one.
I am here to help...JUST thinking he needs to see the vet.

Let me know what happens...
Marie Peppers LPN MA

contact me at my private e-mail ....