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Alternative Med. for Mammary Tumor Guinea Pig


My 3.5 yr. old guinea pig was just diagnosed with mammary tumors. The vet aspirated a couple of the tumors.  She said by looking at the cells she'd be able to say (1) no cancer, (2) cancer or (3) inconclusive.  The cells came back inconclusive but picked up a bunch of the dye, which she said is likely cancer and the dead cells were gray and "hollow" if I recall what she said correctly.  She said more than likely if we sent the cells to a pathologist they'd say they want tissue.  We could biopsy (essentially remove 1 or 2) of the tumors and send to pathologist.  However, she said there are enough tumors that she wouldn't go back in and get them all.  Therefore, I'm to the conclusion that if we can't get them all, why invade my guinea with surgery, trauma, risk from anesthesia, etc.  Consequently, I am wondering if there is any safe herbal alternative that could potentially combat the tumors?  

I would suggest that you try her on Essiac Tea.  It has produced some good results. Also, I would increase feeding her fresh, raw veggies and fruits. Do this slowly if she isn't used to it so you don't give her diarrhea. Focus on alkaline veggies and fruits. Raisins are very alkaline. Green veggies like broccoli are known to be good for tumors. The point is to get her body in proper upper PH. I am not sure what that would be for a Guinea Pig, but since they are vegetarian by nature, I would guess it to be at least as high as a human's which is 7.2-7.4.  I would also suggest that you contact Dr Gerald Wessner here in FL for a phone consultation. His number is 352-245-2025. He is exceptionally good and could very possibly help.  He is a strictly holistic vet.

Also, if there is any place near you where you can acquire Ionized Alkaline Water produced by the machine made by Life Ionizers, I would put her on level 1 Alkaline Water ASAP. Go to to find out more, and perhaps call the company to see if they could refer you to a dealer in your area who could help you locate the water.  It would actually be worth it for you too get a unit for the health of yourself and your family even without a sick guinea pig, but if you can even just find someone close enough to you to get water from every two days it would be very helpful to your pet.

Keep in touch.