Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Dog limping try aspirin and NuJoint Plus;

Dog limping try aspirin and NuJoint Plus;


My dog is limping and i believe it is because he has been playing rough too much lately.  is there some type of aspirin or something that may be in my house that i can give him to see if it works before i take him to the vet?


Try NuJoint Plus
Canine arthritis NuJoint Plus ; Turmeric powder reduces swelling ;
NuJoint Plus - dog joint supplement or 81 mg aspirin:  Keep me posted on your dog...

Hi Johnna, Well, yes you can give 1 baby aspirin per day - ( the 81 mg kind)****

If that doesn't help please see the vet for an x-ray.
It may just be some swelling at the joint area from over use.

Please get your dog onto a "good joint supplement" - Our clinic loves the results from
NuJOINT Plus - excellent and holistic:
go here and take a look:  ( not sold in stores)
use order discount code 81098 when you call in the order:

BEST wishes !

Marie Peppers LPN MA