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Canine DRY Nose


Dry Nose
Dry Nose  
QUESTION: My Doberman has an excessively DRY nose.  She was imported from Hungary and I had noticed it initially but thought she might have been a bit dehydrated from her long flight.  She still has the dry nose.  The vet said to put vasoline on it but she just licks it off.  I've even tried Blistex but that doesn't say on long! She eats and drinks well and is very active.  Any ideas?

ANSWER: Hi Christi,  LOVE the photo!  Beautiful Dobe!  I would place some BAG BALM on the nose at bedtime - rub it in.  It won't all lick off and it's safe.
Bag Balm can be found in the baby department at Walmart.  ( sometimes even in the pet department, too)
Also, Most of my clients take 1 NuVET wafer per day - GREAT for skin and coat.....
NuVET can only be purchased here:   Holistic
If you call in your order they will give you 15% off when you go onto autoship...
Give Discount code 81098

HOPE this helps

Marie Peppers , LPN Ma   ASK the Pet Nurse

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


Would you believe our Walmarts (went to four) didn't have it.  Tried Target, Pet Supermarket, and PetSmart with no luck.  I was almost going to buy some from Amazon (about $6 for 1oz) when I found it at Walgreen (think it was $9 for 8oz).  Della's nose is still rough and dry but much improved.  I tried to take a pic but she's half asleep so I'll see about taking one tomorrow so you can see the improvement.  Thanks for the suggestion!


Hi Ladies ;  Dog dry nose:   Glad you found the Bag Balm ;  
You can also try Pooch Potion - see here:  must be ordered on the internet - very low cost and great for many areas, not just the nose

Pooch Potion

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