Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > EPI Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency

EPI Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency


QUESTION: I have a 4 year old pit bull.  He has this disease.  We are giving him a pancreas v-powder.  He was diagnosed this past December.  I find this powder very expensive.  I was wondering if there is anything that we can give him that may be healthier for him?

ANSWER: Hello Natalie,
I am not familiar with Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency, or pancreas v-powder. Can you fill me in on more details, like what the symptoms are and what the powder is meant to do?

I'd like to help, and I have some ideas but really need more information. I'm not a vet, so medical terminology doesn't say much to me. I do know that most Pancreas problems are caused by a combination of several things, 1) vaccinations, 2)toxins %26 3)lack of digestive enzymes and probiotics which force the Pancreas to over work. Given more info, I may be able to help out, or at least refer you to a Holistic Vet who can. Since money is an issue (isn't it for all of us!)I'll do the best I can.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

With this disease, Blackie is not digesting his food.  Before he was diagnosed he lost 15 pounds in a 3 week period.  He was able to eat lots but his food was not being absorbed by his body, therefore he was becoming emaciated. He had the runs and was pooping more than he was eating. This pancreas enzyme powder allows him to digest his food.  The powder starts to digest his food before he starts eating it. I hope that this explains it well enough.   


Thank you for the info.  I kind of expected that that was the case but needed confirmation. As per my original answer, the 3 issues definitely are what you need to address. I don't know what you are feeding your dog right now, but would benefit by very gradually adding in a raw food diet. Also, put him on a good quality enzyme and probiotic supplement so his system can begin to use his food. I'd like to talk to you more about his diet,so if you would call me,we can spend more time on the subject and I can give you more specific nutritional recommendations. Also, eliminate ALL TOXINS such as spot on the back and/or internal pest and parasite control, vaccines, bi-products and chemical preservatives. I would put him on Distilled water for about 1 month to aid in toxin removal.

Give me a call Wed on my office line 727-327-2356 and we can cover all of the bases,ok? Hope to hear from you.
