Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > CAN I GIVE STEROIDS WITH THESE HERBS



My dog Luckie was diagnosed with lymphoma. She was put on steroids Prednizone 5mg twice a day. However I think that the dose is to much so I have been giving to her once a day. Is this ok.How long can she be on it without side effects She is a minature cocker speniel weigh 25 lbs. Can I also give her herbs such as Burdock root, Echinacea, astragalus, resveratrol, essiac and fish oil capsules. I read that they are very good to fight cancer.
Thank you so much for answering my questions. Gina

I am not a fan of steroids. They lower the PH of the body which will actually help the cancer. No anaerobic life form can survive in proper upper PH, and cancer is an anaerobe. Put Luckie on a properly balanced raw food diet like Northwest Naturals.

I would also suggest contacting a wonderful holistic Vet that I know, Dr. Gerald Wessner, 352-245-2025. He is outstanding and has a great deal of experience with cancer.

The herbs you are using are all very good, keep it up.