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my dogs nails


Hi Susan,
My question is regarding my dogs nails. He is a 6 year old boxer rottweiler cross. He frequently has his nails crack and split for no apparent reason. They look dry, and flaky. They seem brittle, as there is frequent issues. He split one nail a week ago, I then took him to the vet where they removed the whole one side, exposing the quick. I clean it with epsom salts and he's on antibiotics to ensure no infection. I asked about a supplement like calcium or vitamin E. They made no recommendations because he gets a quality diet, dry kibble from the vet with some canned. A teaspoon of regenerex, which contains ingredients such as gluclosamine and msm. Also a 1000mg salmon oil pill in the morning. Can you suggest a supplement of some kind to strengthen his nails and keep them healthy?

Yes, Biotin. There are many forms of Biotin supplements available in your local health food store.  Give him about 1/2 the normal human adult dosage. I would also recommend that you cut his nails very frequently (every 2 weeks)and file them as well if you can.
