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Licking, scratching, biting chi;


I have a 4 year old 10lb chihuahua. She is the best dog, but she licks and bites and scratches herself bloody all day long. She was on temeril p for over 2 years. I have taken her to several vets, done numerous tests and have given her a  medications. I took her off temeril as she was becoming extremly lethargic, heavy, and could no longer jump onto anything. I was advised to give her prednizone as a less harmful substitute. The vet told me she is pron to this behavior as part of anxiety. I love my dog very much and hate seeing her like this. What can you recommend? I do not want to keep her steroid medications, or on anything that can cause long term damage. Your advice is greatly appreciated.

Hi Christie, You are right about not wanting the long term damage of steroid usage.
I would try some Vitamin C, Salmon oil and NuVET Powder supplements - all natural and can be used with anything your vet gives you.

Vitamin C - give this chi (1) of a 250 mg every-other-day....long term..
( hide in food )

Salmon oil - look for pure salmon oil, give 1/2 teaspoon per day - mix into the food.

NuVET supplement - give 1 teaspoon of NuVET per day or 1 wafer per day:
they sell it in a 20.00 ; 39.00 or 55.00 ( Depends on size )
Please call in the first order and ask for the 15% off discount Program:
1-800-474-7044  use order code 81098
Tell them Pet Nurse Marie sent you...

I sure hope this helps.
The NuVET gives you a 60 day money back guarantee

Marie Peppers LPN MA