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Concept of disease-oops


Hiya! I'm a first year university student and I'm doing a paper
that deals with the concept of disease. My question for you as a
herbalist dealing with animals is do you have a concept of
disease? Do you treat certain conditions and dismiss others
based on whether it is a minor problem or not? Thanks~


Hello Jo-

Yes, I have a concept of disease or should I say "dis-ease". I treat ailments from the inside out, starting with the root of the ailment.

I work with humans and animals and do not pick and choose who I treat. I have cancer clients to people who simply skin their knees. All ailments have a root whether it be chronic or acute. Many Herbalists choose their clients because they do not care to reserach each person and/or animals individual needs. Each consultation I give involves detailed research and can become complicated in a human or pet who is on conventional medications. I must check for and herbal-drug interaction and formulate my remedy based on my findings.

I have been studying and practicing herbalism for over 13 years and am quite proud of my accomplishments. A lot of people are leary with trying natural medicine and I have proven to them that it does work as long as you follow through with the program and remedy I establish.

Working with animals can be alot easier than healing humans. Their bodies take better to natural medicine because they do not pump their bodies full of toxins as we as humans do on a daily basis. Animals look forward to their herbal remedies because most of them appeal to their palate. Treating a pet for cancer is the same as treating for a yeast infection, it takes time, research, devotion and love for what you do.  

Formulating specific remedies is rewarding. I have clients up and down the east coast and in the mid-west who contact me for my remedies. Each case is treated on an individual basis and is never overlooked. I may recommend further treatment for someone but I never turn someone away because I choose too. Nothing is too minor or too major, all are ailments and need to healed.

I hope I have answered your question. If you would like additional information on natural and herbal remedies for human and animal concerns please contact me at and I will be happy to assist you and send you a catalog of my homemade remedies.

Thank you and best wishes on your schooling.

Sharon Hubbs,AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist