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Blasto in my dog


Griffin Douglas
Griffin Douglas  
Hello, I have a seven year old Cocker Griffin who is my life! Just diagnosed with Blasto after many months of the vets experimenting with him. I cannot put him through anymore and I am looking at Natural Remedies to help him live comfortably. He is eating and drinking and overall acting normal except for lack of energy at times. He is only on vitamin K right now, a probiotic and yogurt 2 times a day also drops as his eye had been affected. I am searching for any methods that will help my poor guy. I am hoping for a little positive

Hello Colleen,

I am very sorry to hear about your friend (he is very cute). I have just a couple of suggestions: 1) Put him on a raw food diet, or get a copy of Dr Deva Khalsa's book which contains receipies for diets for specific issues. I am sorry that I can't remember the name of the book right now, but if you get the free PDF copy of my book "Simple Steps to a Healthy Pet by filling out the pop-up form on my web site , you can find out more about how to get the book.

There is another book that I am going to get a copy of myself called "The One Minute Cure" that you may also be interested in. You can get it by calling 1-800-311-3285 or by going to

A third suggestion is for you to contact a truly wonderful holistic vet that I know named Dr Gerald Wessner. He works with homeopathy and other alternative therapies and if anyone can help your boy, he can. His phone number is 1-352-245-2025. Leave a message if he doesn't answer beause a lot of his work is done out of the office. He does phone consultations and is very compassionate,knowledgable and honest.

The two things that are the body's disease control factor are the pH and oxygenation of the cells. A raw diet will help get him into proper upper pH (6.2 - 6.4) and the second book I suggested is about oxygenation. No anaerobic life form can survive in proper upper pH or in a highly oxygenated system...cancer is an anaerobe.

These things are true for animals and people as well. The facts are worth looking into.

I hope these suggestions help.

Take care,
Sue Griffin