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Bulldog knee issue ; bulldog patella injury; NuJoint plus;


Bertha is a 13 month old English Bulldog who weighs 47 pounds. She fell out of bed a couple of days back, and initially appeared fine, but recently has been struggling to stand up, has a slight limp and her legs or knees give out at times. Her gait has never been particularly athletic, but her rear waddling may have increased and her "bunny hop" gait may be more pronounced as of late. Her sitting posture may have shifted with her left hip more underneath her and her right hip open. It does not appear that she is in pain.  We took her to the vet and he prescribed 50 mg of carpofen twice a day and scheduled a radiograph. Any advice before we go deeper into the medical milieu?

Hi Bill,  I love that name " BERTHA "... Sorry she has injured her patella or ACL.
Please do very limited activity for a few weeks.  ( NO runs or jumps)
You may also want to put her on a good joint supplement.  NuJoint plus helps to heal and also protects from future injuries.
Here is my bulldog site for NuVET and NuJoint Plus - I would put her on 1 NuVET per day and 4 NuJoints per day...
The NuVET folks guarantee the results with a 60 day money back guarantee.

If she does end up with an ACL, let me know because there are alternatives to surgery.

BEST wishes

Marie Peppers LPN MA