Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Heartgard nosodes

Heartgard nosodes


I really don't want to give my beloved dog Heartgard anymore after reading about all the side effects. Can you tell me if the Heartgard nosodes will completely replace the meds? How do you use it? Do you still sell it?

Hello Howard,

First off, I am glad that you are wanting to eliminate toxins from your dog. The nosodes are not called Heartguard Nosodes, by the way, we call them Happy Heart Nosodes, and they can be purchased on our web site: . We obtain them through a holistic vet, who we refer clients to for treatment of existing heartworms. He uses the nosodes and other homeopathic remedies to successfully eliminate heartworms. We have been using the nosode prevention for many, many years very successfully.
