Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > DOG - LUNG CANCER



Hello Silva

We had the devasting news last week that our standard schnauzer (aged 6) has lung cancer.  This was done via 2 xrays.  Once in May and another last week.  She has had 3 types of antibiotics for several months with little improvement.  Along with a persistant cough she has now lost weight, has little interest in walking or eating, red weeping eyes and a white coated tongue.  She also chews her paws a lot.  

I am coming to terms with the diagnosis but I am concerned that the diagnosis could in fact be a fungal infection.  I have given her a dose of antifungal for two days and there is a little bit of an improvement.

Is it possible for dogs in Australia to get Blastomycosis or am I clutching at straws?  

Thank you in advance for your reply.


HI Sharon
I am not sure of the occurrence of Blastomycosis in Australia.  All I know is that it is an airborne fungal infection that infects lungs, skin and bones.  It is still quite a serious condition and needs to be treated as it can lead to organ shut-down and death.
Just to clarify that I am not a vet, so can not make any types of diagnosis etc...
But, I do find it very strange that your dog would be on antibiotics for lung cancer???  The antibiotics are just adding further stress to a system that is already fighting.  Unless there is a life-threatening infection then I would not consider antibiotics - especially not if she has already been on them for several months with no improvement.
The antibiotics are just weakening her system and adding more toxins for her body to have to deal with.
The cough could be relevant to any lung or heart problem.  The chewing of her paws could be because she is feeling stressed or in some discomfort.  Animals tend to lick, chew or pant a lot when they feel unwell or stressed.

If you are financially able to then my suggestion would be as follows:
Firstly, contact Dr Michael Bascombe.  He is a very special vet who will communicate with your dog's system and he will be able to advice what is going on.  He can do this in person or via the telephone.  If you are in Victoria you will be able to meet with him.  He may then recommend certain remedies according to his findings.  Michael is available at:

My second suggestion would that once you have your consult with Michael, to contact Robert McDowell, animal herbalist, and he can prepare a remedy for whatever the illness is (cancer, lung disease, infection etc...)

If you are in the Melbourne area I am also able to come out and work on your dog to balance her energy system.  

Any lung or heart problem can also indicate emotional stresses.  Emotions that are not dealt with will eventually manifest into physical problems.  Has there been a major loss, heartache, separation of any sort in the last few years?  Is there anything in the home environment that could be giving her "heart ache"?  Is there anything happening to the people in the house that she is picking up on and carrying around to ease their load?  If you feel that anything here may indicate an issue that she is relating to then simply talk to her about it, tell her that she can let go of the emotions, the problems, that she need only worry for herself and not others.  I know it may sound strange, but in all seriousness, talk it through with her and tell her that all is ok and she can allow herself to heal.

I do hope that this has helped and that you are able to implement some of these suggestions to help improve your girl's quality of life.

Kindest regards,