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feline eye - corneal ulcer


Dear Dr.:

my ~15 y o female tuxedo cat has a corneal ulcer. she had/has feline herpes from 6 or so years ago and has some cholesterol (?) deposits on her remaining eye. recently, it seemed to me that some of that dislodged which may be unrelated, but right about that time, she started tearing and being in discomfort. my regular vet Rx'd triple anti-biotic eye ointment which has been helping, but not really "solving" the problem. she is no longer tearing, appears to be in much less discomfort, but is healing slowly if at all. the ulcer is not getting WORSE as far as we can tell and may be healing, but progress is certainly slow. another vet mentioned a herpes specific treatment akin to the human version of cold sore suppressants.

any ideas? not sure if i have given enough info, but please request more if at all available.


-A. J. and Penelope in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

Firstly - I just want to point out that I am not a doctor/vet - I am a natural therapist who works with animals.  Therefore I can not diagnose.  I can make some recommendations based on the information I get, but it is always best to check with your vet first.
Eyes are so tricky and so delicate.  Eyes must be kept moist otherwise ulcerations occur/continue and this can ofcourse lead to blindness or removal of the eye.
An all-natural product that has had great results with eyes is called "Eye Enhance" by TheraLife.  Let them know when you order that it is for a dog so they can include the correct dosage sheets.  You may like to try going through 2 bottle of these capsules to see how this goes.  Capsules can be added to food, or placed directly into dog's mouth for swallowing.
I would still recommend you continue with the ointment as you don't want your dog suffering any discomfort.  
Theralife website is:

You can also purchase some Colloidal Silver which is a strong natural antibiotic to bathe the eyes with.  It does not need to be diluted and you can simply soak a cotton pad and wipe gently over the eyes twice per day.  Don't use cotton wool balls as these can fray and leave small particles behind that can cause eye irritations.

I hope this has been helpful.
Kind regards