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Flea & Tick control


We have two female english springer spaniels.  11yr old & 7 month old.  We recently had a horrible breakout of Tick infestation in our home.  we had to call a pest control company to treat our home.  I don't know where the ticks came from, (We have never had a problem like this before EVER)and i've had dogs all my life.  My puppy was infested with them, but they didn't seem to bother the older dog. (my husband and I think they may have come in when we had new landscaping done at hour home, because we have lived in our home for 4 years now and never had this problem until we got our landscaping redone) but Anyhow, I ended up putting both of them on Frontline plus & treated our home inside & out (they were on advantage for fleas)The frontline Plus does work, but now my concern is the Toxic chemical it has, as im sure the advantage does too.  We have a 3 1/2 yr old child and he loves to play with the puppy, which also concerns me because of the flea/tick medicine on her.  I've heard so many conflicting stories about it being safe (once its dry) and not safe, etc.  

Is there an alternative to use to help with the flea/tick control that is not harmful to humans or animals that works?  any advise/help would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you for your time.

Marlene - YOU are correct!!  The ticks must have come in with the NEW landscaping!!  YES, YES
Ok, Also, your are correct in having concern for your child.  The medications you mentioned are Toxic to humans - expecially kids under 5 years old.  Also, it is poison and can be very toxic to some pets with low immune systems.
Here are some examples of sprays you can make at home and also a powder you can make.
Also, adding a good supplement to the dog's diet will help 90%!!

GET ready for A bunch of info:

1.  This is an extensive Answer on food and Flea/Tick control - the Flea Recipes are in the middle of my answer - LONG but worth reading for all the info and links:  OK

 Make your own :
Make Bandit's Flea Buster Spray*****

Bandit's Flea Buster Spray: 8 Oz Water, 4-6 Drops of Tea Tree Oil, 4-
6 Drops of Lavender Oil. Keep in the refrigerator, shake well before
using and spray lightly, do not soak the coat.

USE Nature's Sunsine Products....
Ask Marie about the 20% or higher discount...

Pet Nurse Marie /

Don't order any of the oils till you talk to Marie....she can help you get Member prices at Nature's Sunshine...
Fast shipping and FRESH product.
Don't use the old stuff at the Walmart !

NEXT - Make your own powder:

Make your own Powder for flea repelling!

Herbal Flea Repellant Powder:
recipe from "All You Ever Wanted to
Know about Herbs for Pets"
by Mary Wullf-Tilford,

1 part Diatamacous Earth,
2 parts Feverfew flowers,
2 parts Mullein flowers,
2 parts yarrow flowers,
1 part sage or thyme.

( "A Part" is just an amount - could be 1 cup or 1/2 cup )
YOU decide how big your recipe will be:

Any Questions???
Just ask
Marie Peppers

3.  Last :  Supplements that Keep the fleas and ticks away:

Garlic - get some Pure garlic powder - from the Cooking section / sprinkle this 2 x per day and mix into your pet's food.
About 1 teaspoon per day for a dog over 40 lbs..
1/2 teaspoon per day for under 40 lbs..
Trial and error on the dosage/  Do not give Garlic to any dog that has Blood troubles like Anemia...
Otherwise, Garlic is very safe.

ALSO / NUVET Plus - 1 wafer per day will build up the immune system and help your pet to fight off many ailments that can hit them.
HERE is the link for more info on NuVET wafers or NuVET powder

BEST wishes!!!
KEEP me Posted

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