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Prednisone cat side effects


My vet placed my then 15 YO cat on prednisone 5mg/2-3days in Aug. '04. In Feb.'05 she became very nervous to paranoid just walking around, and would not be comforted unless sleeping/resting on a lap. (nervousness is listed as a side effect).
We stopped the prednisone and have been using Glucosamine/Chondroitin and S.O.D./Boswellia.
On the prednisone her arthritis got progressively worse, while already her mobility/comfort is better on the G/C, S.O.D./Bos. Really- much improved-we can pet and groom her without cries of pain and she walks with much less of a limp.However, her need for the lap to rest is consistent. Is this likely the prednisone side effects? If so will it get better? If just age and now habitual behavior, how would you suggest weaning her off of the need for a lap? She eats well and has good litter habits, and still at least partially grooms herself. If you could advise on changing her needing behavior it would be greatly appreciated.

Hello Scott -

For behavioral issues I recommend Flower Essences as a remedy. Flower essence therapy works on a similar mechanism as homeopathy. Parts of the flower are diluted and then potentised to become effective. The flower essences are found in liquid form. Thus, the remedies work on an energetic level, similar to homeopathy, acupuncture and Reiki.

Flower essences work to heal physical, mental and emotional illness. All of the aforementioned illnesses affect each other in one way or another. Therefore, flower essences restore the inner balance by working on the vital force. The vital force is an inner force within the body that governs our strength and well-being. As we get sick our vital force weakens and therefore, the flower essences work on our vital force to strengthen it. The particles of the essences work in specific patterns. This means that certain essences cure certain illnesses.

Just a few drops (4 - 8) at a time are sufficient. For serious or acute conditions the remedy can be given as often as needed, even every few minutes. For most behavioral problems, you can give 3 to 4 times a day for 2 to 4 weeks. If the response is reached by that time, you may begin to decrease the dosage gradually. You may need to add a dropper full to drinking water or give once a day long-term for some problems.

I have had outstanding results with Flower Essences with many pets and humans as it is quite effective. I think this would be your best natural way of helping your pet. You can find a lot of information about them online or I can send you the information too. I will leave my contact information at the bottom of this response if you are interested.

I cannot say if her needing behavior is an effect from the Prednisone. Cats do not show strong emotion and this could be her way of saying "thank you" and "hold me, it hurt's". Prednisone is drug that has many effects on body, mind and spirit. I have a few clients that have been on this and they are emotional wrecks for the first few months of being off of it. Pets are difficult to read, they don't speak and you can never quite figure out what's going on in their world. The Flower Essences should really help you here.  

The Gluc Chond with S.O.D. is excellent and you will really see improvement once she has been on it for a while. I highly recommend this blend to a lot of my "pet" clients in addition to SAM-e or MSM.

I hope this information has helped you and your pet.

If you would like information on natural and herbal remedies for human anad animal concerns please contact me at and I will be happy to assist you. I also offer a catalog of home made herbal remedies that I can send you as well.

Thank you and best wishes to you and your pet.

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist