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Prednisone - French Bulldog



Hi.  My french bulldog was diagnosed with meningitis in April at 8 months old. He had suddenly went blind and we were referred to a neurologist after the optomogolist found nothing wrong with his eyes.  He was on prednisone for about 2 1/2 months slowing tapering off.  At the age of 1 he was done with the prednisone.  However, after 3 weeks he started to lose his sight again. So now we are back on 10mg twice a day for 3 weeks and then will taper for the next 5 months.  I am extremely considered of what this medicine is doing to him.  Although I know that without it things will only go downhill.  Any thoughts as to what I can do to try and counteract the prednisone.  His neurologist says that his immune system just wasnt strong enough due to his age and the meningitis.  Thanks for any advice.

Hello Heather -  Sounds like this Frenchie has been a tough kid!  Meningitis is a hard one on the body!!  Yes, the steroids are needed for now and there is nothing else to replace this.
I do suggest any of my steroid clients to take an Immune System Booster:  The one that I LOVE is NuVET Plus - I have 1000s of clients, taking many supplements, but the NuVET is NUMBER One with many of them...
Call the NuVET folks today - Tell them you want to start both of your FRENCHIES on the NuVET Wafer program -  I woud give the Meningiitis boy 1 1/2 per day of the NuVET Plus Wafers - and YOUR other boy can take 1 per day - Long term:
NuVET is an immune system booster and allergy blaster.
ALL natural and can be taken with Anything your vet orders for you.
CALL in and ask about the 15% Off program...
Tell them Pet Nurse Marie Peppers sent you over:
A 60 count is 39.99
a 90 count bottle is 55.00
And then - take the 15% discount program.
USE order referral code 81098
 PLEASE call in your FIRST order for quick shipping;  NOT sold in stores this is Thru Holistic VETS

I hope this helps - IT will help to protect your boy's liver, too..( from the Harsh Steroids)

KEEP me posted
Thanks for the CUTE photo...

Marie Peppers LPN MA