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Preventing ticks


I'd like to know the difference between K9 Advantix and Frontline that repel ticks from dogs. I believe my dog became sick from Frontline but has done well with K9 Advantix. I'd like to know your opinion or any other options there are because I do believe them to both be pesticides which bothers me that I put it on my dog.
Thank you - Joy

Hello Joy -

There really is not a difference between the two conventional flea products you mentioned. Both work in the same manner and both can cause pets to suffer side effects and illness depending on the individual body systems.

I have a Golden Retriever and, naturally, I do not use these products on my pet. I use all natural flea preventives that work very, very well. I will list them below:

The best thing to do is to begin to add Garlic powder to his food. Garlic is an anti-microbial and will help fight and kill bacterias and infection. Don't be afraid to sprinkle it with a heavy hand, dogs love Garlic and he should eat it up right away. The only draw back to adding Garlic to the food is flatulence. It may be a little stinky but the Garlic is doing its job by pushing the bacteria through the system and performing an internal cleanse. This is very safe and highly effective for long term, daily use. This is also the best and most excellent flea preventive. Fleas ticks, parasites and winged bugs cannot tolerate the oils released from the Garlic and will not infest your pet.

You may also want to purchase Lavender Oil. Rub it behind your pets ears, between the shoulder blades, by the tail and in the leg joints. Same concept as the Garlic, fleas and ticks cannot tolerate the aroma and will not bother your pet. Its good too because the pleasant aroma over rides the flatulence!

The best herb for flea prevention is Pennyroyal. You can make a wash of this herb and apply it to your pet. Do not use this however, if you or your pet are pregnant. It is very strong and can promote uterine contractions. Pennyroyal again, has the same concept and Garlic and Lavender. Pests cannot stand the aroma and will not habitat your pet. It is good to plant this low growing ground cover herb around your pets outdoor area, just not so close as she can eat it. If your pet is male and he ingests it, no problem just as long as he doesn't eat a garden full! your Pennyroyal is in the mint family and smells wonderful if you choose to make the wash.

None of these natural remedies will interfere with K9 Advantix or Frontline and are safe and effective treatments.

I make a few flea preventive washes that you can use on your pet. I will leave my contact information at the bottom of this response if you are interested you can contact me there. The washes are simply applied after bathing or you can spray it on without bathing. It smells wonderful and is safe for yor pet to ingest should they lick the skin after application.

I hope this information has helped you and your pet.

If you would like information on natural and herbal remedies for human and animal concerns (or on the flea washes I mentioned above) please contact me at and I will be happy to assist you. I also offer a catalog of specially formulated herbal remedies which I can send to you as well.

Thank you and best wishes to you and your pet.

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist