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Lick granuloma


Hello-- My mixed breed dog (35#) has an awful lick granuloma on her left hind leg.  We have gone through the protocol of antibiotics/amytriptiline(sp?)/tussigon and the granuloma is no longer responding.  I am thinking that the holistic approach may be better (and would have been better from the beginning).  She feeds lamb and rice (Nutro), and I give her 2 Omega 3-6-9/day as well as 2 vitamins/day.  Would you recommend I use the ecollar and the ointment you suggest as a holistic start?  Thank you so much!

There are a few things that I would suggest:
1)If at all possible get your dog on a raw food diet. There are many pre-prepared frozen diets that are excellent. Nutro is a good food, but is not the level of nutrition that you need. Also, be sure that you eliminate all wheat, corn, soy, dairy and beef from his system. Not just in foods but in treats and supplements as well.

2) If you have not already stopped vaccinating, do. You may also want to do a homeopathic treatment of Thuja and Detox to help eliminate the ill effects of both the past vaccines and the allopathic treatments for the granuloma.

3) We make an ointment that we call Super Goop that is awesome. If you would like me to send you some, please call me at 727-327-2356.

4) Along with Super Goop, in order to stop the habit of licking that spot, take some Vicks Vapo Rub, rub it on your hands (won't take much) and pet it onto the hair around the granuloma. This often help break the habit because when the dog goes to lick the spot, he gets a shoot full of vapors.

5)Lick Granulomas are often a result of canine response to human stress. On my web site and read the article that I wrote called A Sign of the Times.
It describes a relaxation technique that has helped heal both people and animals using the energy flow that exists between them.

That's about it.  Take Care,