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Jaw surgey and flea control


My toy poodle had reconstructive jaw surgery after being attacked by a pitbull. It's been a month since his operation and I noticed that fleas crawling on his body. His doctor said that I can't bathe him yet, since his jaw still hurts. What can I do to remove his fleas rather than using frontline or flea powder.

Hello Verns,

You should be able to bathe him when the stitches are removed, but you will find natural flea control information in my book, Simple Steps to a Healthy Pet which is available for free on . Also available on the site are a couple of products for treating both your dog and your environment: Critter Oil and pure organic Diatomaceous Earth.

Check things out, read the book, and call me if you have any questions: 727-327-2356.

I know these will help.
