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Pet Supplements


Good afternoon.
I am unsure if this is a appropriate question to ask in this type of format, but I would greatly appreciate any advice someone with veterinary experience could provide.
  I am currently starting a business creating powdered products for daily pet supplements. Most of our products are completely natural (eg, MSM, Glucosamine, Chondroitan, Blueberry, Cranberry, Ginger, Kelp, Taurine, Royal Jelly, Barley/Wheat Grass, to name a few)
  Ideally I am trying to determine what a Vets opinion of Supplementing a pets diet is? if this is something they would approve of? or if there are any recomendations on products, or how best to get our products recognized?
   I am not trying to cut into a vets business and i whole heartedly agree that any sick pet should be taken to a trained professional.
I am not trying to sell "Snake Oil" to use the term.
  I am trying to create a line of products that are geared to improve length and quality of life.
(as humans get older we supplement our diets to improve our quality or life)
and I believe that there is potential for pets aswell.

thank you for taking the time to read this, and for any help you can provide.

Hello Jamie,

To answer your question, I am not a vet. My specialty for over 20 years has been as a Holistic Pet Care Consultant, with a major emphasis on nutrition. The difference between myself and a vet is that I have been studying animal, especially canine, nutrition for over 20 years, and a vet is required to take ZERO CREDIT HOURS OF NUTRITION. Studies have actually shown that in the past, students entering vet school may believe in the importance of nutrition on the health of an animal, but significantly fewer of them still believe it upon graduation. Vets are taught drugs and surgery, not health.Unless a vet takes the initiative to study nutrition and alternative therapies on their own, they don't have any more knowledge about supplementation than they can get from what ever a sales rep can give them. If you are going to promote products to vets, I would focus on vets listed in the American Holistic Veterinary Association. The current growth in the natural products aspect of the pet industry is, however, forcing even traditional vets to bring natural products into their practices.   

Hope this helps.
