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Severe liver damage in dog ; dog food recipes;


Hey Marie, i was concerned about my what to do with my 8 year old lab Jag. He was diagnosed with cholongiohepatitis and has severe liver damage. He has all the symptoms including loss of appetite, jaundice, vomitting and etc. Currently he is on antibiotics to try and remove the infectious causes but i want to know what i can do at home to prevent further damage and increase chances of survival. Lately he has been losing alot of energy and can barely walk now so is there anything that can help with this because he needs to get up and urinate and drink more fluids to get rid of the toxins in his body. This is a broad breakdown of whats going on if u want any specific information please let me know, thanks!

- Darshan

Hi Darshan, So sorry Jag is so ill;  Home-cooking can be very helpful and a few supplements ;
Did the Vet give you anything to help the liver?  ( supplements)
I know you have the antibiotic

Please write to me here and let me know what food and meds you are giving;
Also, I will need to know his weight

Marie Peppers LPN MA