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Liver Disease in Dogs


Hi over the the past few months our lab has lost weight and is extremely skinny. When we took her to the vet he diagnosed it as a liver problem. She is on antibiotics and Prescription diet to help. The vet called this morning and said it may be gallstones but she would need a ultrasound. The treatment (I think) would start at $1000. We were hoping for some herbal/natural medicine to help/cure her. The vet actually isn't 100% sure what it is, but knows it is a problem with her liver. Any advice would be extremely appreciated! Thanks so much!

I would call holistic vet Dr Gerald Wessner at 352-245-2025 and schedule a phone consultation. He is outstanding and uses primarily homeopathy for treatment which, by the way, is much less expensive and easily as effective as regular medicine.

Also, if you do research on line or at a local health food store, you will find that there are several herbal formulas for liver detox, and for helping to break down and pass gallstones.
There is a book by holistic vet, Dr Deva Khalsa that you can get on Amazon that has specific diets to make for different health problems. If you go to my web site: and submit the pop-up form, you will get a free PDF copy of my book. There is a link to Dr Khalsa's book in it.

There are some things that my daughter told my associate to mix and eat when she had gallstones.
Chopped FRESH RAW beets, olive oil,& Fresh lemon; but I need to talk to my daughter to find out more. It worked really well for my associate. I'll get back to you.