Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > itchy pet; nasal drainage canine ; schnauzer vitamins and shampoos;

itchy pet; nasal drainage canine ; schnauzer vitamins and shampoos;


I found you first on allexperts, then went to your website. I am so glad to see someone with your love for animals! I have a 6 yr.old Schnauzer that I love dearly. I got her from a pet rescue group about 6 mths. ago. I have her on Orijen red dog food and though she doesn't exactly love dry food, she seems to be doing good on it. My problem is that she still has a fair amount of scratching an rubbing up against furniture as though she has allergys.She also sneezes and rus her nose on the carpet sometimes. I use Buddy shampoo on her, which is all natural. She has had some skin problems (bumps & l open sore) on her back. I got those healed up dressing them with peroxide and neosporin. I also use a shampoo with benzole peroxide about once or twice a month.Is the Orijen a good food or should I try another? I am using it because it has a good reputation and is grain free. I also give her canned chicken or tuna mixed with the dry food sometimes.Is there anything else I could do to help her with the itching and scratching?
Thank you so much!

Hi Diana, How is your little allergy Schnauzer?  
Let me know if you tried any of my suggestions??

Probiotics for canines; Schnauzer Vitamins ;
YOU are Welcome:  Keep me posted!

Diana,  I have had great luck with Schnauzers and the allergy episodes they tend to experience:

I bet this baby has many environmental allergies....
HOW about the following:

1.  I would stick with your Orijen grain free food choice.  
( Good product )
2.  Let's get onto the NuVET Tea Tree Hot spot Shampoo........
Excellent for her problems - Order below ( not sold in any stores)
3.  also, please get the HOt spot Spray ( again, A NuVET Tea Tree product - OH, very soothing and smells wonderful)
4.  250 mg of Ester C per day - hide in some Orijen Canned wet food.
5.  1 NuVET Wafer Supplement per day -  They give a 60 day guarantee.  This will help to re-build the immune system and fight off the allergens that are hitting her.
6.  PEARLS - this is an Acidophalus - Probiotic ( found at Walmart - Walgreens or CVS ) Give 1 per day - get the lowest dosage

To order NuVET - Please go here:

Don't forget to use my order code - 81098   ( I give 20% of the NuVET Sales to RESCUED Pets that are on DEATH ROW)******
You can also call NuVET at:

I hope this helps......
Use the HOT spot tea tree shampoo every 12 days -
Use the Hot spot spray 1 x per day when needed on itchy areas

KEEP me posted

Marie Peppers LPN MA