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IBS & Kidney diet


My 8 yo Brittany was diagnosed with polycystic kidneys when she was 6 mos old, and I have had her on homemade diets most of her life due to she won't eat the various dog foods for kidney....  She has been diagnosed recently with IBS, and goes thru periods of diarrea, vomitting, etc.  She was placed on antibiotics which help for a while but still gets episodes.  My problem is that she is suppose to be on a low protein/phosphorus diet, but with IBS she isn't suppose to get fats, or too much roughage.... I am running out of ideas to feed her, and she is miserable half the time... Have been giving her rice with white chicken or hamburger mixed in.  Also give her flax oil, calcitrol, multiple vitamin.  I guess my question is, what is the least harmful diet she can be on?   Thanks


I would recommend that you get the new book by Dr Deva Khalsa called "Dr Khalsa's Natural Dog". It has specialty diets for all different types of health issues. It is important that you give her a well balanced diet. Also, there is a formula from Sedona Pure Pets called "iFlora" that I would highly recommend that you add to any diet that you give her. It is possibly the most complete enzyme, pro-biotic and pre-biotic formula on the market.

If you are still doing vaccines, internal or spot on the back flea treatments, or poison based heart worm prevention, STOP IMMEDIATELY! All of the above will continue to make both problems worse and probably caused them in the first place.

There are homeopathic Nosodes for heart-worm prevention and for vaccines as well that are effective and totally non toxic. You can find out a lot more about natural flea prevention as well as other aspects of natural health by visiting

Any other questions, feel free to call me at: 727-327-2356
