Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > yucca root

yucca root


I have an 11 year old male Lab that has recently been gassing out the house.  He does not get the exercise he used to as he is arthritic.  There is a product from a pet catolog for excessive gas and it contains yucca.  I can buy yucca root from a natural products store for less than half the price.  The herbal product contains 500 milligrams of yucca root.  Will this harm my dog and do you think it will help with the gas problem?

Instead of hiding the symptom it's much better to find the underlying problem and fix it. I need to know more to help you.What are you feeding him first of all?

There are also natural products that help with arthritis as well.

Please give me more information so I can help you.