Pet Information > ASK Experts > Alternative Medicine for Pets > Severe separation anxiety

Severe separation anxiety


QUESTION: I have a beagle that is about six years old. He has had severe separation anxiety since I adopted him about 3 years ago. He is very comfortable around me and follows me around everywhere and lays up against me at all times, but when I leave for work and leave him running around the apartment he always destroys things and uses the bathroom. If I leave him in his crate, he just barks the whole time and it bothers the neighbors. I have done everything I know to do which includes the wall plug ins and some over the counter anxiety medications. Can you please help me with this.

ANSWER: You can try some supplements... We have had great luck with Valerian and Melatonin...
Do you want more info on that?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes, could you please give me some more information. Also if you could tell me the best way to get some in my local area if it is available, instead of ordering it online.

thanks so much!

Hi again, With this problem you will need drugs from the vet or herbs to calm down this boy.  You will also need to work with a behavior person.  I would suggest you call your vet and give him a good physical with blood work.  The vet will work with you on some drugs that may help.  I like to work with herbs when possible.
YOU can find valerian at your local health store.  Just make sure they sell you something fresh and quality.  Tell the sales person you want a guarantee of quality ingredients in the products you buy.

BEST wishes !!!