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Boston Terriers bowels


We have an 8 month old boston terrier pup that we adopted a little over a month ago. We are feeding her Eukenuba puppy formula food once daily, about 1 cup full. She weighs 12 pounds. I have never seen a little dog poop as much as Raven does. She poops at least 4 or 5 times in a 24 hour period. We are having a rough time potty training her, because she's always pooping.  Our 4 yr old lab only poops 1 time a day, so we are besides ourseleves because of the difference. Is there anything you can suggest?

Megan - Please give Raven a new food and a supplement:
here are my suggestions:

NuVET Plus Vitamins :
*** order here: excellent and will help digestion and loose stools / Thousands of Bostons take this product each day:

Next, please change the food - the **Eukenuba is awful for the Poops-
Has too much Fillers.
Innova EVO - No grain formula -
NOT puppy food - that is ok... Mix the Eukenuba and Innova Evo, a 50/50 mix for 3 weeks.  After the 3 weeks, then go 100% Innova EVO.

EVO is condensed and you will feed less and poops will be smaller.
MUCH smaller.

BEST wishes

Marie Peppers LPN