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Congestive Heart Failure


I have a 9 yr old Dalmation named Buster he was dx with CHF in November 2004, he takes 1 1/2 lasix twice a day and endacard (not sure how this is spelled), but he has stopped drinking water, his belly is huge and seems to be hard while the rest of him looks boney, he has become very wobbly and falls from time to time, I know that he will never get better as I went through the same thing with a chiuahuah 4 years ago, but can you tell me if he is suffering or if he is any pain.  I know that I should have him put down, but I have never had to make that choice and it does not come easy to me at all.  Please respond so that I can better understand what is best for Buster and not my own selfish feelings.



Hello Alethea -

A decision like this is very difficult and I understand yur pain. Making a choice of life and death for a pet plays heavy on the emotions and honestly, no answer is a good answer.

I do not know if your pet is suffering. Dogs will hold emotion and pain inside of them and very rarely show that they are being bothered.

I am concerned that Buster is not taking in fluids. Although, he suffers from CHF, he still needs to intake proper amounts of fluid to keep his body systems running. Kind of ironic if you think about it, Lasix to remove water but ingesting water helps. I know its not as easy as it sounds but he still needs to drink.

You are not being selfish, you are concerned about the general welfare of your pet. Without really knowing his history, I cannot tell you to put him down or not. Your vet would be the best person to make that accurate decision. I would take Buster to the vet, one more time and let them assess his current status. If they feel he will be better off and out of pain, then let them euthanise him. Sometimes it is worse to see your pet in pain then to know they are in a better place.

I am very sorry I cannot help you more. If you ever need to talk to discuss his ailment in more detail, please contact me and I will be happy to help.

Please know you and your pet are in my prayers and please again, do not think of yourself as selfish.

Thank you and best wishes to you and your pet.

Sharon Hubbs, AHG
Certified Natural Health Consultant & Herbalist